Thursday, October 29, 2009

Obamanation strikes!

Andrea Shea King's Radio Patriot Site Shut Down By Google

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Posted on Thursday, October 29, 2009 7:35:54 PM by kristinn

Conservative columnist and radio host Andrea Shea King had her Radio Patriot site at Google's Blogspot taken offline last night by Google.

King had maintained the Radio Patriot at Blogspot for over three years. The site was taken down without warning and without explanation. King's efforts to contact Google have been for nought so far. Attempts to bring up the site get this message:

Blog has been removed

Sorry, the blog at has been removed. This address is not available for new blogs.

King is a vocal opponent of Barack Obama. She has posted many entries criticizing his presidency and reporting on the controversy surrounding his eligibility to serve as president and his ability to speak without a TelePrompter. Given Google's close relationship with Obama, perhaps it is good business for them to shut down his critics.

King is a fixture in Central Florida and the Space Coast. She has been a columnist for the local paper, a news anchor on a network affiliate, a broadcast radio host and now Internet radio host. She currently writes a weekly column for World Net Daily and is a contributor to Big Hollywood and its sister site, Big Government.

The shutdown of her blog comes just days after she co-authored a blockbuster (with yours truly) article for Big Government on Obama's political relationship with terrorist supporter Jodie Evans of Code Pink.

King has a contingency blog at Word Press:

You can also find her on Twitter.

And here at Free Republic. She's been a great friend to FR over the years.

Her Blogtalk show can be found here live most nights at 9 p.m. Eastern.

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