Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Coming Revolution

I have been watching and listening to current events as they develop and I believe that without a doubt the general American population is fed up with the current Gov't. They believe they are being lied to, that there money is being appropriated though taxation for purposes that are basically unconstitutional. That the current set of Congress and others in Washington put their own interest above those of their constituents. They use Pork Barrel amendments to spend money, unwisely and sometime to their own benefit. They arrogantly believe they know better than the people what is good for them. The people are tired of being lied to and cheated out of their hard earned savings. Tonight I proudly saw people old and young talking about their willingness and desire to put their country back on track. Watch out Washington. The people are pissed off and they are about to take this country back by any means available to them. If they cannot talk you into restoring the country, back to the way it should be. Repealing the unnecessary and sometime stupid laws that have been passed. Reforming the Tax system. So they are able to keep more of their money. Fixing the Medical system, NOT REPLACINGS IT, but fixing what is wrong with the current one. Lowering education costs so that everyone can again afford go to college without having been born with a silver spoon in their mouths or by putting themselves so far in debt that it may take forever to pay off their loans. Once again encourage small businesses and capitalism in general. If you don't listen then you can look forward to being voted out of office when your term is up and they will find someone willing to serve the will of the people. You really don’t want to find out what the American people will do when you finally piss them off so much that they just can’t take it anymore. In our history we have already had one revolution specifically about excessive taxation. We certainly don’t want to see another

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