Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Wake up and Smell the Roses

When will you wake up and see what's going on in this country. Is it true that the FCC Advisor for Pres. Obama wants to tax privately held readio stations 100 % of their operating costs (effectively putting them out of business) to support public broadcasting. Well that is what I have heard. What this will do is succeed in eliminating all privately help radio stations leaving only Public stations Thus leaving 100 % of the news in the control of the Gov't. Does that scare you yet. They also want to censor all communications and commercials before they air. No one will be able to speak their minds, if they are not pro government.Well I think you had better wake up and take a look around and see what it is that the government is up to . We are still a republic of free people, but if things keep going the way that they are we will soon be a completely Socialist Country  with little or no freedoms. I for one will not take that laying down. Look at what's going on with the CIA. Look at what's going on the Universal Healthcare. How many bills have our congressmen and Senators voted on and passed without even reading them. I for one don't know, but if current history (The Bailout, Cap and Trade, The Universal Health Care) (almost made it))  the list goes on and on. If this is any indication, it may have been happening for a very long time. Are you ready to give up your freedoms? Do you still want to hear differing opinions and be able to make up your own minds as to what's best for you and this country. Then WAKE UP. Start raising hell. Tell you congressmen and representatives that you want our country back and to knock this bull off.. Tell them to get back to OUR business and not what they think is best for us.

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